Sobre Ivy

Sobre Ivy


El eslabón perdido.

Reformulación de la búsqueda de pareja

Sugerencia hoy
Reinvente su tiempo

Vivimos en una era digital acelerada y exigente con muchas distracciones de las tecnologías modernas que son muy absorbentes y nos dejan poco tiempo para cuidarnos y disfrutar de la vida. Con el incremento de las tasas de divorcio, el panorama de las citas es más intangible que nunca y el temor a conectar en el plano humano propicia la soledad.

Regresar a los principios básicos, dedicar tiempo a respirar y adoptar una forma de ver la cosa disfrutando plenamente ese momento especial, así como priorizar la vida personal puede que sea lo que necesite para encontrar el equilibrio que busca y renovarse con energía positiva.

Ante el tiempo todos somos iguales y nuestro cometido es inspirarle y permitir que lo viva de forma provechosa. Fomentamos la creación proactiva de oportunidades que materialicen sus objetivos y deseos personales. En Ivy nos enorgullece ser verdaderos pioneros en el arte de encontrar la persona adecuada.

  • "Al toque del amor todo el mundo se convierte en un poeta."


No puedo comprarme el amor

Creemos que la vida no es completa sin amor, pasión ni relaciones profundas correspondidas. Sabemos que las verdaderas relaciones son difíciles de encontrar y que encontrar a esa persona puede ser una búsqueda complicada, e incluso más para las personas de éxito y elevado poder adquisitivo. Sin embargo, también sabemos que hay un compañero perfecto para cada uno de nosotros, alguien que comparte nuestros valores, nuestro estilo de vida e incluso nuestra filosofía (en más de un aspecto).

Con una amplia red internacional de clientes y contactos de alto nivel en todo el mundo, podemos ampliar considerablemente su horizonte. Podemos poner en contacto a personas que no se conocerían en el transcurso normal de sus vidas, lo que propicia que sencillamente ocurran cosas extraordinarias.

Sin embargo, seamos claros: las relaciones humanas de verdad no se pueden comprar. Utilizando distintos recursos y con un equipo de expertos altamente cualificados, se pueden generar las mejores oportunidades; aunque luego estas deban aprovechase concienzudamente.

De forma vehemente y combinando grandes dosis de conocimientos técnicos, nos esforzamos por recuperar las citas de antaño, las formas caballerosas y el valor de una conversación auténtica.

Con un servicio a medida diseñado según los requisitos de cada uno de nuestros miembros podemos preparar, guiar, inspirar y, en ocasiones, desafiar e incitar a nuestros clientes. Todo ello de forma confidencial, con discreción y la máxima profesionalidad.

Sugerencia hoy


La fundadora y directora ejecutiva de la empresa, Inga Verbeeck, es considerada una de las líderes mundiales en matchmaking. Proveniente del mundo de las finanzas y el comercio, en la actualidad combina su experiencia empresarial y un toque de idealismo para ayudar a influyentes personas solteras de clase alta a encontrar la felicidad. El hecho de que pueda identificarse a la perfección con las vidas de sus clientes gracias a sus propias experiencias vitales es lo que la ha convertido en una empresaria del matchmaking en primer lugar.

Con un profundo conocimiento de las relaciones humanas y la experiencia que le permite conectar con los clientes, su carácter es la base del éxito de Ivy Relations. Inga, de corazón romántico, es una ferviente defensora de distintos movimientos filantrópicos y una conferenciante habitual en sus áreas de especialización.

Nuestro negocio

Ivy Relations se enorgullece de haber evolucionado de un pequeño grupo con una visión, a una agencia de élite con una misión clara, y se esfuerza por seguir consolidando su posición empresarial, manteniendo siempre la calidez excepcional de la dinámica de su equipo.

Ivy Relations no escatima esfuerzos para mantener su independencia. Por ello, la empresa se basa en su propio apalancamiento para crecer, invertir en el futuro y seguir desarrollando su plataforma de servicios para clientes.

Ivy es una empresa con visión de futuro que ejerce activamente un liderazgo ético y que analiza constantemente cómo seguir mejorando la calidad y la productividad, así como el bienestar corporativo. Ivy siempre busca formas de atraer y fomentar el talento adecuado para seguir volando.

Búsqueda de talentos

Incorpórate a la familia Ivy

Ivy ha reunido a un equipo especializado con una capacidad extraordinaria.

En Ivy tenemos una esmerada política de recursos humanos, una estructura corporativa flexible aunque fiable, así como unos métodos de trabajo y una metodología especiales. Con programas de formación continua y en la empresa, nos esforzamos para promover el talento y nos inspirarnos mutuamente para alcanzar la mejor versión de nosotros mismos.

En Ivy Relations siempre estamos buscando personas con talento para ampliar nuestro equipo.

Si eres una persona de naturaleza social, verdaderamente empática y perspicaz con mucho mundo, habilidades comunicativas y estás buscando un nuevo reto en un entorno de alto nivel en el que el trabajo en equipo, la meticulosidad y las exigencias son fundamentales, ¡podrías ser la persona que estamos buscando!

Envía ahora tu solicitud de empleo

Agencia Internacional

Inga Verbeeck

Antwerp founder & ceo Lee mas

Inga Verbeeck


Inga has built a successful career at an early age as an active entrepreneur and business consultant across a wide range of industries. With a master’s degree in finance and experience in journalism, she became CEO of a leading international steel trading company at the age of only 30.

After thirteen years of being active in the steel industry, Inga found a new passion in the business of matchmaking. She has become a fervent, skilled and reputable matchmaker and is determined to provide only the best of value for her clients. Inga’s charismatic and avid personality – together with her commercial acumen – makes her perfectly suited for the world of elite introductions. With a natural ability to read and match individuals, she is committed with an open minded spirit to provide members with a new world of opportunities. Because she believes, just as Shakespeare did, it’s not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.

She is a proud mum and a keen traveller with a requisite for adventure.

Spoken Languages: Dutch, English, French

Nikki Mawhood

London, UK PA @ CEO I Happiness Engineer Lee mas

Nikki Mawhood

London, UK

UK born and with over twenty years of experience working in international fashion, Nikki knows her way around the world.
Nikki has lived in different countries over the years and has managed a broad range of responsibilities.

With a mature confidence and a drive to always learn and take on new challenges, she has the ability to adapt to new unfamiliar situations with a global mindset.
Nikki is a detail-orientated professional who can stay calm in stressful situations, and is a true problem solver.
A great communicator, a loving mum of three, and with an empathic personality she is a perfect fit in the world of Ivy.

Spoken languages : English

Laura Travaglini

Milán, Italia Expert Counsellor Lee mas

Laura Travaglini

Milán, Italia

Laura is a Developmental psychologist, Jungian psychotherapist, expert in psychosomatic, relaxing techniques, trauma focused techniques and imaginary techniques.
With her studio in Italy she also travels to work with clients, as well as receives patients online. Laura is fluent in English, Spanish and moderate in Portuguese.
She has over 10 years of experience in psychotherapy, working with both adults and children in relation to somatic symptoms, anxieties, depression, trauma consequences, difficulties in relations and personal development.
Laura also offers counselling sessions in order to reach specific goals in one’s personal life such as love and relationships as well as personal growth.

When Laura and Inga, our Ivy CEO, met on an autumn day in 2019 in Milan, a common sensitivity was felt immediately. Since then Laura is a devoted collaborator of Ivy, working on development behind the scenes, as well as supporting clients in their journey.

She is available if you feel an expert consultation could be of help.
Laura wishes you the best luck in this journey of love.

Spoken languages: Italian (native), English, Spanish (fluent) Portuguese (moderate)

Kirstie Swinnerton

Verbier, Switzerland Expert Consultant Lee mas

Kirstie Swinnerton

Verbier, Switzerland

Originally from the United Kingdom, Kirstie has always had a passion for travelling, meeting new people and making the most out of life.

After graduating with a degree in Public Relations, followed by a master’s degree in Tourism, Marketing and Social Responsibility, she spent time working and skiing in Verbier, Switzerland. Kirstie then ventured to Latin America, working for a while in Costa Rica before returning to set up base in Verbier where she set up her own magazine. Nowadays, with her Swedish husband and two children, Kirstie combines her family life in the Alps with escaping to the surf in Portugal whenever possible.

She continues to work on her magazine while enjoying her role at Ivy Relations.

Spoken languages: English, French

Helen Magnuson

Scandinavia Brand Ambassador Lee mas

Helen Magnuson


Helen was born in Sweden, but has had an international upbringing. This, combined with the fact that she loves to travel and has lived in many different countries, has made her a true citizen of the world.

Helen has had significant experiences throughout her life, and they ultimately led her into becoming a life coach. She also has a variety of other working experiences, most of which carry a creative character. Helen is involved in PR, journalism, interior design and art, creating moving paintings that stimulate the human senses. Everything she gets involved with, both personally and professionally, is because of her love of people.

Helen continues to apply her negotiating talents, creativity and innovative spirit to various ventures in the business world. She is fluent in Swedish, English, Danish, Norwegian and French.


Francesca Lorenzet

Italy Angel Ambassador Lee mas

Francesca Lorenzet


Francesca, our Italian Ambassador is an absolute delight; she is cheerful, attentive, and decisive. She takes great care of those around her and in her work, she is always ready to listen and advise.

Francesca loves to travel and considers herself a real globetrotter, she is on a continuous search for peace and tranquillity; she has an endless thirst for knowledge and adventure. At any given time or place, Francesca is a problem solver, finding the perfect solutions at the drop of a pin. Detail oriented when it comes to her work, she takes great care in even the smallest things, she is scrupulous and thorough and you can trust that she will always be punctual.

With her strong personality, patience and reliability, Francesca is wonderful asset to Ivy International.

Languages Spoken: English, Italian

Victor Gomez

Lima Key Brand Ambassador for Latin America Lee mas

Victor Gomez


Victor was born and raised in Lima, Peru. As a Japanese descendant, Victor was taught the value of time from a very young age. It has taught him to act considerately today, yet always keeping the future in mind.

With a significant professional background in commercial aviation and marketing, Victor developed his career working with the most prestigious telecommunications, industrial, hydrocarbon and educational companies in his country. His vast experience of 10 plus years in sales and business intelligence has led him to direct his own venture related to the production of non-pharmaceutical natural medicine three years ago which has enriched his knowledge, abilities and interests.

Victor is passionate about sports and entrepreneurship in general. He strives to dedicate an equal amount of time to both endeavors in order to find the perfect balance between work and staying healthy. When it comes to sports, Victor holds a particular interest in soccer, table tennis, chess and gym.

As an entrepreneur he pays particular attention to projects that use and depend on technology to improve people’s quality of life. Victor enjoys travelling and visiting places with a lot of mystique and history, just like Peru itself.

Spoken languages : Spanish, Portuguese, English

James Eves

London Expert Consultant Lee mas

James Eves


James had always taken a lot of pride in his own appearance and during his time as a Personal Trainer other men started asking him to help them with theirs, invariably to get an edge at work or with women – to look more like a leader, to be taken seriously and to feel attractive. Naturally, his career as a style expert grew organically from there.

His approach to men’s style is both simple and holistic. It’s about exuding good health, vitality and confidence. To make the best of what we have been given and to be truly comfortable in one’s own skin. James believes that our outward style must be aligned with our inner character and personality.  The clothes we decide to wear are only a small part of this. Fitness, etiquette and class are some of the other aspects James can assist with.

Not a fashionista, a designer or a trend setter or anything of the sort. James has simply taken on the important task of helping men show their best inner self on the outside too.

Spoken Languages: English

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Sugerencia Hoy
Ivy Relations